Thursday, September 14, 2017

7 Tips for Fitness Women

Would you like to be a fitness woman? Or are you a fitness woman but would like to be effective? Here are 7 great tips on how to become an effective fitness woman:

1. Get a program that will best suit you. Every fitness woman is different. You may have surgical history where a program may not be suited for you. Always consult a qualified trainer to make sure that the fitness program will not hurt you. If the fitness program is not for you, it will only be a cause of frustration and injuries.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Weight loss myths: food dieting and exercise tips

Weight loss myths

You would like to lost weight right? It is really very difficult to reduce your weight fully if you don't follow these techniques carefully. You wish to look graceful like actors and actresses. You wish to have a healthy and sexy body with great elegance. You wish to show off your firmness and beauty. You wish to reduce or lose your love handles (spare tire). Here, I show you the myths associated with weight loss exercises and healthy dieting. How you can achieve these things is being analyzed with some in depth research.

Please also visit my pages located at and  for more information on how to reduce your belly, and get a good diet, and great cooking recipes. And for the myths related to weight loss.

How To Lose Weight Naturally

Many people want to learn how to lose weight naturally. There is new interest in finding ways to help the body help itself without the use of harsh drugs and pre-packaged programs.

There are a few examples of how to lose weight naturally that are common sense. People who eat breakfast usually eat less during the day. Make it a high fiber and low fat breakfast, and you have made it more natural. Drinking water is also good for dieters, as everyone knows, but you may need more than 64 ounces (some studies seem to contradict this, but generally, more water is better).
Then there's your choice of foods. For natural weight loss, one place to start is with foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. You should eat fruits and vegetables in variety and abundance. Generally, whole grains are better than "refined" anything, but be sure to check the label for other "non-natural" additives like high-fructose corn syrup.

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Easy and Natural Way to Weight Loss

Another very good reason why the holidays are a few months away from summer is so that you can have time to shed off the extra pounds you got from eating all those rich foods till you need to get in your swimsuit again. Over indulging in this festive season is quite easy since it is the time of the year when everybody can be quite extravagant with their spread.

Then the guilt sets in by the first of January. Many New Year resolutions are created by then. Vows and promises of food abstinence and extensive exercises are made but somehow there are quite a number who forgets or just plainly quits.

10 Simple Steps to improve your fat loss!

1) Calculate how many calories you body needs to consume to maintain your existing weight. This is called you maintenance calories.(Search Google with "calorie needs" and you will find a few different calculators to help you with this)

2) Initially deduct 10%(to a maximum of 500Kcal)off the total maintenance calories. Drastically reducing your calories will result in muscle and water loss - not fat loss.

3)Divide you calories over 5 or 6 meals rather then 2 or 3. You should aim to eat every 3-4 hours.

4)Cut out all simple carbohydrates (except straight after exercise, eat whole grain, high fibre foods.)

5) Exercise at least 3 times a week, doing 30 minutes of cardio to a reasonable level of intensity. This will help to create the calorie deficit and encourage your body to lose fat.

9 Tips To Help You Gain Weight

There are a couple of reasons why most people fail in their attempt to gain more muscle mass: 

A. Improper diet. 

Most people are not eating enough protein and eating too many simple carbs. 

They are not stressing their muscles during each workout. You don't have to kill yourself, but you must subject your body to out of the ordinary stress each workout to grow muscle. 

B. They lack consistency. 

They do not stay focused throughout the entire 12-week period. If they don't see results immediately, they get discouraged and quit. You have got to stick with your plan. No program will work for you if you are not consistent. 

To get results, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes, and work as hard as necessary and you have to be consistent. Your body responds to consistency. Sometimes it may get to the point of obsession, but it has to be that way for you to reach your goal.

5 Best Ways To Lose Weight

When you are dealing with a phenomenon as diverse as human beings, it is very difficult to create rules which will work equally well for everyone. Nevertheless, there are some characteristics shared by all human beings, and this means that some basic principles can be developed. Here are five proven techniques to help you lose weight.

Best Way 1
The most fundamental strategy of successful weight loss is to burn more calories than you take in. You shouldn't find it difficult to apply this in some aspect of your life. Adjust your diet by cutting down on high fat food, and take some simple exercise for twenty minutes, three times a week. Going for a brisk walk instead of driving everywhere will have the desired effect, as will gentle jogging or swimming.

"Fad" Weight Loss Diet


Obesity is a physical state that refers to excessive body fat. Chances are you have experienced the frustrations of dieting at least once in your life, if you have problems with your weight. Close to a hundred million Americans go on a weight loss diet in any given year and up to ninety-five percent of them regain the weight they lose within five years. Worse, a third will gain back more weight than they lost, in danger of "yo-yoing" from one popular diet to another. The conventional approach to weight problems, focusing on fad weight loss diets or weight loss drugs, may leave you with just as much weight and the additional burden of ill health.

Today, an estimated sixty-five percent of all American adults are obese or overweight. Our culture obsesses about staying thin even as we grow fatter, but this isn’t about appearances. Obesity is known to be a precursor to many debilitating health conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, and gallbladder disease. Obesity contributes to as many as 375,000 deaths every year. In addition, the public health costs for obesity are staggering. According to researchers at Harvard University, obesity is a factor in 19% of all cases of heart disease with annual health costs estimated at 30 billion dollars; it’s also a factor in 57% of diabetes cases, with health costs of $9 billion per year.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Will Obesity Affect Your Hip Joints?

Most people who are obese often report having aches and pains in their hip. There is very good reason for this. Excess weight on a body puts immense pressure on the joints. So, the answer to the earlier question is a resounding yes!

Obesity affects your hips for a few reasons. Obesity increases your chances of arthritis and if you already have arthritis it will accelerate the progress. The chances of developing arthritis are directly proportional to your body weight.

It may be argued that skinny people have arthritis too. However, the statistics show that overweight people are much more heavily prone to this condition and suffer more.

How To Get Those Extra Pounds Off

There are so many products available on the weight loss market that it can be challenging to know what is the best for you to choose from. These products can be helpful, and it is a great idea to do enough research on each of them to know what will work best for you and your lifestyle.

An important part of any weight loss journey is learning to control your own food. This means learning to cook from scratch, so that you know exactly what's going into the foods you eat. Also, cooking from scratch will let you replace high-calorie ingredients such as cream, with lower-calorie ones such as skim milk.

If you want to make a lifestyle change that will help you to lose weight now and keep it off in the future, switch from drinking coffee to green tea. The caffeine in coffee can cause you to retain water and become dehydrated. The antioxidants in green tea not only help you to feel better, they can also aid in maintaining a healthy weight.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Dont Get Caught Up In Fad Diets

You are tired of the jokes, and the odd looks' people give you. It is embarrassing and you need to address your weight as soon as possible. Read this article and you will find some of the best weight loss tips that exist for somebody living in this day and age.

You may be tempted, when trying to lose weight, to cut fat out entirely. But it's important to remember that fat has a high satiety value in foods, so a little will go a long way. Case in point: baked potato chips may have no fat, but because of that, they don't trigger your satiety level as quickly as regular or even the "fat-free" Olestra chips do. So, you're tempted to eat the whole bag. Better, for example, to eat a small amount of high-quality, high-fat food - let's say, a small high-end dark chocolate bar - then to gorge on large quantities of low- or non-fat foods. You'll be more satisfied without having to say "No" to treats.

Ready To Lose Weight These Tips Can Help

With the right planning and goal setting, any major project is achievable. Weight loss is no different! Nothing will make weight loss easy. but the right advice can be all you need to kick start your weight loss program into high gear!Read on for valuable information to help you attain your goals in weight loss and keep you on that healthier path.

A good way to lose weight is to reduce the amount of time you rest between sets when you are lifting weights. By reducing the amount of time you rest between sets, you burn more calories and in a way, you're combining cardio and weights into one workout session.

Never let yourself get too hungry. Keep a small container of fresh, raw vegetables, plain raw almonds or cut-up fruit to munch on whenever you start to get hungry. Small, healthy snacks throughout the day keep your energy up and help you resist the temptation to go crazy with high-calorie food.
When attempting to lose weight, be sure that you do not fall victim to the purging of recently eaten food. If this does occur, it is a sickness and you should consult with a doctor or counselor for guidance. Not only is your body not getting the nutrients that it needs, you are harming your esophagus and teeth as well.

Solid Advice On How To Lose Weight

When faced with all the information available about losing weight, it can be extremely confusing to figure out what advice to follow. The most success comes from keeping things simple. The suggestions in the article below are just what you need to make a weight loss plan that works without much fuss.

To assist with weight loss, try working weight training into your daily life. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn. Combining weight training with proper cardiovascular exercise are not only great for your overall health, but perfect compliments to a healthy diet. Although muscle does weigh more than fat, it is really fat loss that you are desiring and not weight. Consult your doctor before any major changes in your routine.

A good way to lose weight is to spread out your meals each day. Eating more frequently will raise your metabolism and it'll also prevent you from feeling hungry. By eating more often, you'll be less likely to snack on unhealthy foods because you just won't be hungry.